Favorite Things

I have so many friends having babies!! Everyone I know is pregnant or recently had a baby!
I remember what it was like being a new mom trying out what worked and didn't work! Every baby is different and there are so many choices for baby items....so I am going to start posting some of my favorite things!! Hopefully you will see one or two things that work for you! I know for me I relied on other moms to tell me what was great and what was not! In fact my friend Kristen is who told me about the duck below!

Bath time sitting up!! I wish I could use this duck now! We loved it with Crawford! It's perfect when they are sitting up and if you have a guest bathroom you can just leave it in! You don't have to worry about them slipping and rolling over! I don't know about you but I am paranoid when it comes to the bathtub! I don't take any chances! We can't use this duck now but because in order to save time we try to give Caroline and Crawford a bath together which leaves NO room for the duck! We got this at Target! I am sure other places have it! It also makes a great beach toy when they are little! Take it on the beach...fill it up with water and throw in some toys!

The Joovy Caboose is another must have.....especially for TWO
I heard about this from my High School friend Pamela! I am telling you what...you will find the best advice on products from other mothers! 

Trust me on this one.....coming from someone who has 5 strollers....this is by far my favorite! 
We have the Bob Double as well and I do love it for Walks and Beach!! However it's Large and Bulky and Heavy and $$! But it's easy to run/walk with! 

 So If you just need to run in somewhere real quick the Joovy is the way to go! 

BOB Stroller Strides Fitness Stroller Duallie

Valentines & Easter Must Have T-Shirts

Sterling Silver Teething Ring
Crawford has a blue and Caroline a pink both given to them from their Nana and Pop Pop. It's perfect for babies to hold on to and the sterling part can be engraved. I think it such a great gift and keep sake. Crawford's has tons of teeth marks so you can tell he got his use out of it!
Sterling Silver Rattle Teething Ring Gift Box Set

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