Monday, May 10, 2010

I am so behind on posting...but now I have it figured out so it shouldn't take me long to catch up. I switched from a PC to a Mac (which I love) is different uploading my pictures and took me a while to figure out the least time consuming way since life with two takes up a lot more of my time!

Wow!!! I don't know where to start except....I feel so blessed to have these two healthy children in my life! They are so precious and even though it is taken a while to get adjusted to life with two I wouldn't trade it for the world! Caroline has only been here two short weeks but I tell you it feels like a month already! She is such a good baby.....already sleeping 5 hours at night, and Crawford is such a good Big Brother. He loves her so least I think he does! :-) He is constantly kissing her and he sings to her when she cries. He does have his moments of jealousy but we are getting through that! It has been so sweet to see him kiss on her! I was never sure what I did with my free time before Crawford and now I wonder what I did with all of my free time before Caroline!

I have taken Crawford out of daycare for the time being and we have moved into a new house and now he has a new sister! He has so much change going on! Given everything he is going through he has done very well. Some days are better than others!


We are keeping ourselves busy by playing in the sprinkler and going to the park! Crawford loves to be outside!
He loves to ride in his New Jeep his dad bought for him b/c the girls in the neighborhood all had faster jeeps and Crawford could not keep up. His favorite thing to do is play golf with Pop Pop and Daddy! He is actually pretty good.
He loves to PHISH (as he would say) but not with a hook. He is scared of the fish but can throw his fishing line like a pro. (video to come)


Although some days he gets mad at me for holding Caroline others he loves and loves on me! Which just melts my heart! He sings Jesus loves me, and prays for everyone on the east coast...even his Jeep and Toys and all of his Cartoons. It's the sweetest thing. He loves to dance. He loves to sing the alphabet song over and over and talks all of the time now! He says the funniest things. He keeps us laughing!


Caroline is two weeks old today! She is doing great....sleeping...eating and pooping!!!
That's about all right now! But it keeps us busy!!!
Yesterday was her due date! But I am so glad she decided to come two weeks earlier...I don't think I could have stretched any bigger!

My water broke while at the playground with Crawford! I wasn't finished talking to a new neighbor so I stuck around for about 30 mins. Once I got up to the house and told Jacob I think it had broke...he started going crazy! :-) My mom had just left to drive back home after visiting for the weekend! I called her to let her know we were headed to the hospital and she had just pulled in her driveway! She got back in her car and made it just in time for Caroline's arrival!
After 5 hours of labor and a lot of pain (no epiderial) Caroline arrived!


She loves sucking on her paci which Crawford really never did!
She has a head full of black hair! That explains my horrible heart burn!
I even was taking heart burn medicine when I was in labor!


Kisses from her Big Brother!

I promise more updates more frequent!
If anyone has tips for uploading pictures from the Mac faster please let me know. I used to use Windows live writer with my PC which was a major time savor!

Also, let me know if you can't view these pictures!!!!


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