Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Busy Week

This past week was a very busy week. Crawford started daycare at Village Kids! It was exhausting for Crawford and us but I think he enjoyed it. He did not take more than an hour nap each day but he was still very Happy when we picked him up. He would fall asleep the minute we got in the car but as soon as we got home he was ready to tell us all about it. He would babble and babble like he had something really important to tell us. I think he probably did not sleep because he did not want to miss a thing. He is just like his mommy! There are 3 girls in his class and 1 boy. Crawford is the oldest. His teachers think he is going to be the ring leader. We really like his teachers and are glad he is getting the chance to interact with other children. He loves staring at them. It's so sweet. I went to visit him on my lunch break a few days last week. It's nice being so close to him.

He is growing so fast. He has now ate almost every friut and veggie from the stage one food. I gave him all veggies first, now that he has had fruit he would rather not have some of the veggies. He is almost rolling over from his back to his Tummy. He has masterd from his tummy to his back. He also found his feet and like everything else, he likes to suck on them. I have not seen any teeth coming in. He only gives me about a 1/2 second to look! Crawford is almost sitting up. He still needs support but it will not be long and he will be sitting on is own.

Last week Grammy and Papa and Uncle Ryan and Casey came to grill out with us. We had a great visit. Grammy and Papa miss Crawford now that he is at Village Kids. Jacob fixed us burgers. He is getting good at grilling. Finally!! :-)

Mimi came and spent the night with us on Saturday night. We were supposed to go to Hickory for the night but after we got the car all loaded with the million things you have to take with you for just one night we decided it might be easier if she came here and of course that was fine with her. She had a great visit. Mimi bought Crawford a Jummping swing and he loved it. We made Crawford an outfit, she is teaching me to sew. Let's just say, it's harder than I thought but I am not going to give up. Mom could not believe how much Crawford had grown in just the short time since she had seen him. Here are a few pictures from last week of Crawford at 5 1/2 months.

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