Sunday, September 20, 2009

Having Fun with Mimi and Grammy (he has them wrapped around his finger)!

Mimi kept Crawford on Saturday while we went to the wedding! Crawford looked like he had so much fun! We had planned on sneaking out of the house because we were not too sure how he would react, however he yelled Bye to us as we were leaving and never looked back! Here are some pictures Mimi got of him. He would point to the camera and say Cheese!! I can never get him to look and smile for me! I am so Jealous!!! They had so much fun playing with all of my old toys that I actually gave my mom a hard time about keeping! I am glad she did because Crawford loves them! Crawford at Mimi's 2 Cheese Mimi!

Crawford  at Mimi's 

Crawford at Mimi's

Last Wednesday Night Crawford woke up with this horrible cry and cough! He sounded like a seal when he cried! I knew it did not sound right and since he hadn’t been coughing during the day, I thought it was strange. He had the croup. So we stayed home on Thursday (me too because I was so tired from being up all night) and He stayed with Grammy on Friday. See below for some pictures she took of him playing and relaxing! :-) He always has fun at Grammy’s.



I think this is the look he gives her when he wants something! It works! He has her wrapped around his pinky!


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