Sunday, August 15, 2010

They Melt my heart

Caroline is a week away from being 4 months...Crawford is a month way from being 3 Years Old! Were having so much fun and I am WAY behind on blog post. Hope to catch up soon!

Here are a few pictures from this weekend.

Caroline's pretty little hands...just love them! Couldn't resist putting a picture up!



My 20 Minutes of Silence...well not silence because she now squeals the entire time however it's not crying!!

The way I get a shower in the morning or stalk put Caroline in her crib....the mobile last 20 minutes and so does Caroline!

She LOVES it! I say the tackier the better with these things. Not that I think my Mobile is tacky but if it doesn't have a lot of colors and loud music it won't do the job.


Hey My Sweet Caroline....oh how I love to hear you coo and giggle these days...You melt me and your daddy's heart and I think your melting your brother's heart!!! I can tell by the million kisses he gives you a day!



How can you be so tired just woke up!!!


if your wondering why I have 4 pictures of Caroline and one of Crawford....well he is hard to catch these days!!!

I try but I have to be sneaky!!! I learned a tell him there is a bunny or train or what ever in my helps kids look into the lens!!!

However Crawford is smarter than I ....He just says....theres no bunny in your lens mommy!!!!!

Talking about melting my heart!!!! Crawford you do! I can not express how much fun I am having with you! I may be tired and worn out!!! But it's worth every minute!

He has me laughing from the time he wakes me up which is really early until he goes to bed! I can't believe he will be three in less than a month now!!!



More Post coming soon...including Crawford's new play yard at Pop Pop and Nana's and Mimi's Birthday....with a lot more good stuff also!


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