Monday, July 21, 2008

Ears and Teeth and Pain ...Oh MY

We had a nice relaxing weekend with the exception of Crawford still being sick. We cannot wait until he is all better. We spent this morning in the doctors office. This would be the 2nd Monday in a row and 7th time this month. Crawford's ear infection has done nothing but progressively get worse since the beginning of the month. Dr. Erickson recommended we go to the Ear, Nose and Throat practice to have them see if Crawford needs tubes. I have been dreading this procedure b/c they put him to sleep, but we can not stand to see him sick any longer. We go next Wednesday to see what they suggest we should do. For the time being he is on another antibiotic that will hopefully work.
Crawford now has 2 teeth and 4 more coming in. The 4 that are coming in are his top teeth. It's funny how they all come in at the same time. It just adds to the pain of his ears!
On Friday, Crawford and I went to Hickory. We had a few things we needed to do. We were able to eat lunch with Erika and Leslie while we were in town. It has been 2 1/2 years since we all three have been together which was way to long. I will post a picture once I find my camera charger. :-) I took it with my old camera. It is always good to get together with them and catch up. It was their first time meeting Crawford. He loved them!

After lunch Crawford and I met my mom and the three of us went to see Andi and Miss Addison Jack. We had a great time and learned that Crawford was a little jealous when I held another baby. It didn't take long to forget about it once he saw all of Maddox's toys and since Maddox was not home, Crawford had them all to his self!! Addison is beautiful and such a good baby. Holding her reminded me of how small Crawford once was. I can hardly remember him being that small! I will post a few pictures of Addison soon. Below is one of Crawford riding Maddox's Train!

Mimi is pushing Crawford around the house
We had a nice quick visit with Mimi and then we were on our way back home.
Saturday Crawford spent a few hours over at Grammy's and Papa's house while I ran a few errands and Jacob went to a gun show (sounds like fun, I hate i missed it). Crawford had a great time. There is always so much for him to do over there. He gets worn out fast.
On Sunday, Jacob and I kept nursery at church. It was fairly easy b/c there were only 3 babies. Since Crawford was sick, Ryan and Casey came over and played with him. I know he had a blast even though he was not feeling well.

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