Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Crawford!

I remember this time last year like it was yesterday. I can't believe a year has already gone by. I can hardly remember Crawford being a tiny baby! Someone once told me the days go by slow and the years go by fast! How true! Things sure have changed from 1 year ago. It is amazing how much they learn and it is so much fun to watch their personality form. I have learned so much this past year and I have learned recently that these kids know more than we think they do! :-) Crawford is the joy of our life and many others! He always makes me smile, even when he has made me mad and I really don't want to smile, I usually end up smiling..which in the end makes him think it is ok to do what he is doing and so the cycle repeats!

I am not done with this post but I need to get to sleep! I will update soon. But for now here are some pictures of Crawford's Birthday! Sorry these are not in order!

Uncle Adam
More Presents!
Birthday Breakfast!

Playing with my new toy from Mimi

Riding with Grammy and Papa


Drinking Milk while Driving!

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