Monday, January 24, 2011

Never Grow Up

Friday night Jacob, Crawford, Caroline and I sat on the couch watching TV. We were watching Wipe Out. Crawford sat on the couch with his arm wrapped around me laughing the biggest Belly laughs (as my friend Meredith calls them). He cuddled with me and told me how much he loved me. As I looked at him....he looked so grown up!! Not sure where the time goes!! I said to him Crawford you have to stop growing so fast and he said but Mommy I have to grow up so I can fly like a super hero! I said well just don't grow so fast and he said OK! I really think we just blinked he grew up! I have so many friends having babies right now and all I can say is hold on tight because it goes by so fast!!!

This is Crawford with his serious face!


Love this song by Taylor Swift bout never growing up!

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